Check out these books
featured in our Book Nook!

Jamie Applegate Hunter
Jamie is an Amazon best-selling romantic fantasy author who grew up in the Pineywoods region of Texas and currently lives in Colorado with her husband and two children. She has a bachelor’s degree in criminology and political science but decided to pursue a career as a full-time author after co-writing a novel with a friend in 2020.

Dystopian Sci-Fi
Ashley Ashforth

Ashley Ashforth is a Wife and Mother of two from Washington State. She has always had strange and vivid dreams, perhaps due to the unique pass time in elementary school of dissecting animals with her friendly neighbor taxidermist. Now, when she isn't creating worlds to escape reality, she is diving into books, drawing, painting or making costumes.
Isaiah Banegas

Ryland and the Forgotten Realm is an epic fantasy novel following sixteen-year-old Ryland as he is thrust into an extraordinary adventure. It is filled with action, adventure, mystery and dire peril in every chapter and plenty of humor to keep readers hooked from start to finish.

Emily Blackwood

Emily Blackwood is an emerging author of mature young adult and new adult fantasy novels. She has independently published multiple books, including the Wicked Flames Saga and the Fae of Rewyth series.
Emily loves writing magical stories with strong heroines who overcome the impossible and defeat their inner demons.
Emily currently lives in Chicago with her cat, Mister, and plans on continuing with her writing career in the fantasy romance genre. You can follow Emily on Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram at @authoremilyblackwood.

Spicy Fantasy
Rebecca Camm

Rebecca Camm was raised in Melbourne by a single mother, who encouraged her passion for reading and all things magical. She has been writing stories since she was a child to help manage her anxiety and make sense of the world.
Rebecca strongly believes in the power stories have in changing lives. Just like her, Rebecca’s characters are flawed, yet they are continually learning. Unlike her, they are confident, witty, and just generally more exciting. Rebecca lives with her husband and two children. When her children allow her free time, she is either writing or attempting to conquer her ever growing tbr pile.

Sierra Christenson

Sierra Christenson has been writing since before she can remember. Since the seventh grade, it has been her dream to be a published and successful author. So down the long road she went. She currently has four novels independently published as well as two poetry compilations under her penname Charlie Lambert.
Sierra enjoys reading, though she doesn't find nearly enough time to do so, watching movies and television, cuddling with her three adorable dogs, and spending time with her boyfriend. She writes within a vast array of genres including Fantasy, romance, and contemporary. She tries not to limit herself and loves a good challenge.

Spicy Paranormal Fantasy
Laura Detering
Chicago suburb native Laura Detering is the author of The Witch in the Envelope trilogy.
She used to spend her days teaching dance and history to high schoolers and scanning the hearts and vascular systems of patients in hospitals, but now she writes kissing books.
She lives in Palm Coast Florida with her college sweetheart, two beautiful daughters, and morkie named Flash.

Catherine Downen

Catherine Downen is the author of THE MARKINGS series. She recently graduated from Bradley University with a degree Mechanical Engineering. She has always had a love for writing and a passion for telling stories.
Currently, Catherine is working as a Sustaining Engineer in St. Louis by day, while continuing to write on the side.

Spicy Fantasy
Amber R. Duell

Amber R. Duell was born and raised in a small town in Central New York. While it will always be home, she’s constantly moving with her husband and two sons as a military wife.
She does her best writing in the middle of the night, surviving the daylight hours with massive amounts of caffeine.
Her favorite stories are dark with a touch of romance and a villain you either love to hate or hate to love.

Jean Estelle

HOPE is a the beginning of a Post-Apocalyptic Dystopian Trilogy. Over a decade in the making, Jean finally published her self-published novel to rave reviews.
HOPE follows 17yr old Juniper and her struggles living in the Compound, Discovery, and surviving Jalia. Three hundred years ago, after the surface of the Earth was destroyed by a nuclear war sending the surviving humans to live underground, they still find themselves there. There, they are fighting with each other and trying to get back to the surface.
With resources difficult to replace, if you can’t give back you’re thrown topside to die in the radiation. Why keep you around if you give nothing back… Why keep you around if you dare disobey…

Mary Flint

Mary Flint, encouraged to try writing by a family member, discovered her love of writing from her life-long love of stories. Inspired by the books and success of teenage author Christopher Paolini, she began writing her first book, Red Star: The Hunter Trials, at the age of fifteen and published it two years later.
She also enjoys interacting with Red Star fans at conventions, book signings, and online. Mary currently writes from her home in South Texas, USA

Science Fantasy
Jonathan Fuller and Kristina Kelly

J & K now live in separate states and hang out virtually (and share many LOTR memes). They spin story ideas together through text, email, video chat and other forms of modern communication. Best friends, gamers, and overall geeks. Together, they write science fiction, fantasy (often combining the two), short stories, novels, and poetry. Their friendship (and love of SFF books, shows, games, & movies) led to Trials of the Innermost, the first book in their science fantasy series The Etherea Cycle. It blends what they love from science fiction and fantasy while representing the kaleidoscope of people and experiences of the real world. It is a testament to the power of friendship.
She is looking forward to the next big adventure in her writing career that will expand her knowledge on the publishing process, and take her creative works to the next level.

Urban Fantasy
Cassie Greutman

​Cassie Greutman is a small town Ohio girl who has always loved stories in any form. You can usually find her typing away at her computer or playing out in the barn with her ponies.
She is looking forward to the next big adventure in her writing career that will expand her knowledge on the publishing process, and take her creative works to the next level.

YA Fantasy
Christy R. Harrill

Christy R. Harrill is the book-loving and anything medieval fantasy obsessing author of the Blood Vier series. She lives in Oklahoma where she enjoys hiking with her dog Hank and devouring every book she possibly has time for. Christy loves winter, and still hopes to attain the dream of getting snowed in with four feet of snow one day. She thinks that the only good thing about summer is wearing sandals, and has a weakness for buying pretty notebooks-even though she already owns far too many blank ones at home.

Greek Mythology
Ambrosia Harris

Ambrosia R. Harris is a writer, creator, herbalist, and mother. She has been writing fictional stories since she was in high school and has always found interest in Greek Mythology. She isn't just interested in the mythology, but the ancient religion as well. She does consider herself Hellenic and her current project is one of her biggest offerings and devotions to not only her two Characters, but the Deities she consults with. Upon reading many different versions and retellings of the most famous kidnapping, she found herself still thirsty for more about Persephone, more about what really drew her to the underworld, after all, she did decide to stay. With that, Ambrosia began her two-year journey into writing the first part of a five-book series. Thank you for joining her on this amazing trip to the Underworld and getting to know the Chthonic Gods that reside there!

Haydn Hubbard

Haydn Hubbard is a North Carolina native who spends most of her time daydreaming of worlds filled with love, magic, and occasionally dragons.
The King’s Queen is her debut fantasy series and the first of many to come. When Haydn is not writing, she can be found competing with her horses in any local coffee shop or anywhere where there is a dog.
“Love is the cruelest killer of all. Do you know why dear?” I shake my head. “Because it’s the only devil that doesn’t hide its horns. We look it in its ugly face every time and still fall for it. We destroy ourselves in the name of love.”

Romance Fiction
Jennifer R. Jenson

Jennifer R. Jensen is a fiction author who dove back into the world of writing in 2019. She had spent a decade away from her passion becoming a wife, mom, and advancing her career. With six independently published books and two novellas under her belt, she is beginning to expand her love and knowledge for writing into the world of traditional publishing.
She is looking forward to the next big adventure in her writing career that will expand her knowledge on the publishing process, and take her creative works to the next level.

T.A. Lawrence

T.A. Lawrence spent her childhood lost in a daydream. For years she kept her daydreams safe and locked up in her head so no one could find them.
Tragically, her kid brain, which had been perfectly capable of storing all these daydreams, grew into an adult brain and got stuffed full of adulty things.
Eventually, the daydreams, weary of being crowded by their stuffy neighbors, burst from her mind and onto a page, where they could finally be free to wander into the daydreams of other little children, while still reassuring T.A. they would never truly leave her.

Katie Leigh

Hi, I'm Katie. I write fantasy/romance. My debut novel Dawn of Dreams released December 2021.I live in the Midwest.
When not writing, you can find me reading, writing, instructing at my local Pure Barre studio, or re-watching New Girl, The Office, or Schitt's creek for the 15th time.

Clean Fantasy
Elizabeth D. Marie

Author of several fiction works, including her epic fairytale retellings series Crown of Stars, Elizabeth D. Marie has been writing and imagining worlds since she was a child - where stories like The Chronicles of Narnia helped shape her imagination and draw her closer to the Master Storyteller and Creator.
Elizabeth makes her home in Northern Indiana - writing under the supervision of her bengel-mix, Captain Cal (who spends more time snoring than supervising). She loves connecting with her readers and talking about all things books, movies, fairytales (Beauty and the Beast is her favorite!), and the Bible.

Alyssa Markins

Alyssa Markins is the author of Perilous Star, the first book in The Western Zodiac Trilogy. She currently lives in San Diego, California and loves to read books in the fantasy, personal development, and science fiction genres.
Alyssa graduated from Vanguard University in 2013 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English, and then again in 2018 with an MA in Education. After teaching English as a Second Language in South Korea from 2015-2016, she made the decision to seriously pursue a writing career. In addition to writing, she is passionate about God, reading, dancing, helping other creatives realize how epic they are, and her cat, Oreo. Alyssa loves helping and connecting with other authors.​

Greek Mythology
Rachel Menard

Rachel Menard is an author of strange and fantastical stories for teens that feature unapologetic young women. Her work has been featured in Writer's Digest and on Cast of Wonders, and her short story, Blame it on the Bees, was chosen as a “Best of 2019” by Diabolical Plots. Her novels include Game of Strength and Storm and Clash of Fate and Fury, both Junior Library Guild Gold Standard selections. Visit her online at

YA Romance/Dystopian Fantasy
Elora Morgan

Elora spends her free time pursuing fantasy. Nothing engages her mind like a fantastical new world -- except when that world contains lovers who initially despise one another.
She reads and writes these angst-filled pairings from the East Coast of the U.S.

Rachel Morgan

Rachel Morgan spent a good deal of her childhood living in a fantasy land of her own making, crafting endless stories of make-believe and occasionally writing some of them down.
After completing a degree in genetics and discovering she still wasn’t grown-up enough for a ‘real’ job, she decided to return to those story worlds still spinning around her imagination. These days she spends much of her time immersed in fantasy land once more, writing fiction for young adults and those young at heart.

Fantasy Romance
Sophia Nye

A South Bend native, Sophia writes historical, fantasy, and contemporary romances that feature strong women, heart-of-gold heroes, and a healthy dash of spice. After marrying her high school sweetheart, attending grad school, and moving nearly ten times in as many years, Sophia and her husband settled into a lake house in northern Indiana. When she isn’t working on her next novel, you can find her in the garden and covered in dirt. They live happily in the middle of nowhere with two little boys, two atrociously rude doggos, and one ornery cat.
After completing a degree in genetics and discovering she still wasn’t grown-up enough for a ‘real’ job, she decided to return to those story worlds still spinning around her imagination. These days she spends much of her time immersed in fantasy land once more, writing fiction for young adults and those young at heart.

Chi Obasi

I like to create unique worlds with strong female heroines of color. One day I got tired of reading my favorite genres and not finding characters like me who mattered – so I decided to tell those stories myself. My heroines aren’t perfect – they’re messy, fallible, and flawed just like you or I. But they make it to the end of the story anyways, always a bit stronger, tougher, and ready to take on their next challenge – even if the next challenge is quite literally out of this world.
I write for adult audiences, but my work is appropriate for older teen and above readers. Now go read - I promise you’ll find something you like!

YA Fantasy
L.C. Pye

L.C. Pye is a debut YA fantasy author, who just published her first novel, The Calling, this year. Which was ranked as a #1 new release on Amazon.
L.C. has spent her adult years searching for her calling in this life, always jumping from one new adventure to the next, never sure if it was what she was supposed to be doing. That was until one night, when she was given a dream that she knew had to be written down and shared with the world. Now that dream has become a physical book and has started her along this journey of being a published author.
Currently, she lives in South Carolina with her husband, little boy, and fur baby named Ollie. She is also working hard on finishing book 2 by the end of the year, and she can't wait to share it with her anxious readers!

Vanessa Rasanen

Vanessa Rasanen writes new adult fantasy romance filled with sassy attitudes, relatable characters, and slow-burn. She loves a good cliffhanger, judges books by their covers, and wishes she could write faster. Her books include a smidge of salty language, a bit of blood, and a serving of swoon-worthy, sometimes spicy romance.
She lives in the pretty-in-its-own-way part of Wyoming with her pilot husband and four kids. When she's not writing you can find her mixing up a gin & tonic, rewatching New Girl, running a small business, and wasting time on Instagram.
To learn more about Vanessa and her books, go to
Bonus chapters and exclusive content are yours when you sign up for her newsletter.

Spicy Fantasy
Candace Robinson

Candace Robinson spends her days consumed by words and hoping to one day find her own DeLorean time machine.
Her life consists of avoiding migraines, admiring Bonsai trees, watching classic movies, and living with her husband and daughter in Texas—where it can be forty degrees one day and eighty the next.

Lauren Sefchik

Lauren Sefchik is an Arizona native who avoids the sun by day, and conquers raid bosses by night.
Her love for geek culture started with a video game system from the 70's, a set of polyhedral dice, and a team of heroines in sailor suits. She seeks an army of adventurers willing to journey with her to the furthest reaches of their imaginations with love, laughter, and a lot of mead!

Modern Fantasy
K. Thomas

"All my stories feature strong women. Also, the men in my books are NOT the typical a-holes as in most of the stereotypical 'billionaire books' which I continue to come across. This means I write the stories I would like to read.
After graduating from New York City’s Swedish Institute College of Health Sciences with a degree in Occupational Studies Massage Therapy, she got back to her island girl roots by moving to sunny Sarasota, Florida. There she owns a private massage practice, delights in walking on the beach, and relishes in creating new, exciting stories to share with her fans. But her biggest achievement is raising two wonderful children as a single mother.

Paranormal Fantasy
R. Valentine

The War of Blood and Roses is a sexy, addictive, and action-packed unique fantasy perfect for fans of J.R. Ward and Jennifer L. Armentrout!
Abby Rose had never met a vampire before. They were banned from her town and blamed for the plague that ravaged the earth. But when a series of vicious murders and strange disappearances started happening close to her home, that all changed.
Ethan Sterling was interested in only one thing—ridding the world of the creatures his people were responsible for creating. As the leader of the Vampire Increment Guard, it was his job, but when they targeted the little female and her home, he took it personally.

Clean Fantasy
Rachael Watson

Rachael is the author of Forbidden Healing and The Dream Key, the first two books in the Chronicles of the God-Sage. She has studied a lot of subjects, gained a handful of professional qualifications and worked various jobs, all of which took her further and further from what she actually wanted to do: make up stories about magic.